SUNLIGHT'S ABILITY TO STRENGTHEN THE BODY’S IMMUNE SYSTEMIt is now believed that disease can only occur when one fails to maintain the delicate balance of power between one's body and the organisms that produce disease. This is so, for we find people who are carrying within themselves the germs capable of causing an infection and yet they are apparently free of disease. Their body's immune System is strong enough to keep these organisms from growing and developing. Studies have shown that exposure to natural sunlight increases the number of white blood cells in the human blood. The white blood 28 cell that increases the most is the lymphocyte, which is the one that plays a leading role in defending the body against an invasion of germs. Because the lymphocytes increase in number after a sunlight treatment, antibodies, their products of defense, also increase in the blood (1) Ultraviolet light also has an effect on the deep internal organs. The pancreas, stomach, liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands are apparently benefited by sun light treatments seemingly due to the Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous System.
WHAT IS PURE SOFT WATER?With the exception of pure air, there is no other element of nature that is as important in sustaining life as pure soft water. The chemical composition of pure soft water is represented by the chemical formula H20, which means that it is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Both are odorless, colorless, tasteless and transparent. Where can one find pure soft water today in our chemicalized society? Municipal water supplies have been found to contain over 700 different chemicals, yet federal laws require testing for only 16 of these. Recent research now indicates that chlorine, which is used by municipal water supplies to kill bacteria, is much more dangerous to human health than was originally assumed. It has been shown to be a significant contributing factor in certain types of cancer and heart disease. In 1987, a major study by the National Cancer Institute concluded that the risk of developing bladder cancer rose with increased intake of beverages made with chlorinated surface water - which is what comes out of the tap in about half the households in the U. S. (1) Bladder cancer primarily affects the elderly and is the fifth most common cause of cancer in the U. S. The incidence of bladder cancer increased by more than 50% since 1950.. True, properly chlorinated water kills most germs and viruses, but it also kills many cells in our bodies. If you drink chlorinated water it is best to let the water sit a few minutes after getting it from the faucet, as chlorine evaporates from the water once it is exposed to the air.DISTILLED WATER IS PURE SOFT WATERDistilled water is water which has been heated and turned into vapor, so that virtually all its impurities are left behind, since they are incapable of turning into a vapor. Then the water vapors are cooled down leaving you distilled water. Distilled water has no taste, color, odor, bacteria, heavy metals, acids, inorganic minerals, toxic chemicals, poisons, etc. Rain water is also distilled water, but it becomes polluted as it falls through the sky; so distilled water is the purest water available. A simple experiment to try at home is to boil a pan of tap water. Let it boil until all the water has turned to vapor. What is left in the bottom of the pan? White chalky mineral deposits. The harder the water, the more minerals it will contain; and the fewer the minerals the softer the water. Distilled water has no minerals, so it is the softest water possible. The only other kind of filter unit which is good as a distiller and provides pure soft water and is more economical to operate then a distiller is a Reverse Osmosis filter unit.
Air is an invisible, tasteless, odorless mixture of gases surrounding the earth. Air at sea level is composed of 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 1% water vapor, carbon dioxide and traces of ammonia, argon, helium, and other rare gases. Experiments have shown that death will occur from prolonged inhalation of air, in which the proportion of oxygen is much greater than that in which it naturally occurs in the atmosphere. Therefore, we know that the mixture called air is not an accidental compound, but one perfectly adapted by our Creator to the needs of the human body. The first need of all living creatures on this earth is oxygen. They can not live without it. Oxygen must always be present in the air we breathe. All of the trillions of cells in the human body must receive a constant supply of oxygen or those cells will weaken and die. Through the tissue fluids the cell obtains the oxygen it needs and gives up the carbon dioxide it does not need. This transportation of oxygen from the outside air to the tissue cells, and the carrying away of carbon dioxide is done through our lungs. Our lungs are light and spongy in texture. If placed in water, they will float. Normally we breathe about fifteen times a minute, inhaling about a pint of air each time we take a breath. The lungs normally hold about six pints of air, so that about one sixth of the air is exchanged each time we take a breath. A person sleeping uses only about 10% of his lung capacity. Hard work increases lung use to about 50%. The singer or woodwind player uses his lungs almost to the fullest extent possible.