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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Daily Detox Drink

For you all that like to get something in the morning to drink really quick and go, and still get that boost you need for the rest of the should try to make this drink everyday and drink it before you eat anything in the morning..

1/2 Pink or Red Grapefruit
1 Lemon
1 Orange
2 Tbsp Organic Maple Syrup
Shakes of Cayenne Pepper
1/2 Cup Water

Blend it all together and drink's a great drink...I love it!!!!

I hope you guys like it and tell me what you think!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

4 Common Detoxification Methods

In order to complete a body detoxification there are actually several ways to do it. All of the methods that are used in a body detoxification mainly depend on the individual person and her or her preferences.

There are all sorts of ways to cleanse the body of foreign substances and toxins, but a few of those ways include the old sea-salt flush, coffee detoxification, foot detoxification, as well as other conventional methods, too.

People should also be aware that certain meditation techniques have been known to rid the body of residual toxins. This is because meditation and relaxation can reduce the amount of toxin-producing acid in the body. Balancing your body to it's normal acid/alkaline level enhances the natural ability of the body to heal itself.

For now, we will detail just a few types body detox systems.

Sea Salt Flush

The Sea Salt Flush removes waste matter which for some reason has not yet been removed by the elimination process. This waste material could be sitting there for years!

In his self confidence course (CD #5), Brian Tracy describes the sea salt flush like this:

Disolve 2 level teaspoons of sea salt (not regular salt) in a quart (950 milliliters) of warm water. Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

This will flush out your entire system in approximately one hour.

I have done the Sea Salt Flush and the taste is really disgusting, however, I always feel better after doing it. I try and do this at least once a year for general health.

Sea Salt Flush Tips

  • It is difficult to drink a whole quart of this mixture straight up. I drink a small glass of it every 20 minutes until it is all gone.
  • Don't go out anywhere. Stay home near the ammenities because when it's time to go, it really is time to go!
  • Some wellness centers (See Erric Davis) recommend taking Activated Charcoal immediately after going to the dunny the second time. This is to soak up excess toxins.
  • Be aware that sea salt contains traces of heavy metals. If you have a severe heavy metal problem, you might like to consider other options like a Vitamin C Flush for example.

Coffee Detoxification

The concept of the coffee detoxification system is pretty simple, but it is basically going to be a coffee enema that the individual undergoes. This is a detoxification process that will certainly cleanse the whole body instead of focusing on specific parts of it.

However, if one is going to complete a coffee enema then the first thing that is needed is the ingredients. Because typical commercial coffees, such as Folgers and other popular name brands are not produced for total body detox plans, one will need to look to the organic section of the grocery store.

Purchasing organically grown coffee beans (ones that aren't sprayed with pesticides) and boiling it just as you would any other coffee beans is necessary. After you have separated the liquid from the coffee grounds only then should you place it in the enema to get started.

Raw Juices

Another way to complete a total body detoxification is through the use of raw juices. There are many types of juices that one can use in order to complete a detox plan, but the number one thing that one must realize is that he or she will benefit the most from raw juices.

These raw juices include things like broccoli, spinach, kale, along with many others. Along with drinking raw juices, though, during this detoxification, one should also digest plenty of vegetable soup.

Conventional Methods

The type of conventional method that is typically used to undergo a body detoxification is a sauna or heat room. Many people take advantage of these at their local gym, but they can also be placed in a house.

Using a sauna will benefit you in the long run by getting rid of toxins in the body and there are some that will actually use infra red to complete the job.

All of these methods of detoxification, though, are certain to rid the body and cleanse it for the time being. Of course, you'll want to repeat the process over again frequently, but there are definitely many ways to do so.

Cause and Effect

You should know that for every effect there is a cause.

If you find that you need regular detoxing too often just to break even, it could be wise to discover what is causing your body to get toxic over and over again so quickly in the first place.

The Process of Natural Body Detoxification


Why People Do a Body Detox

One of the reasons that many people choose body detoxification diets is because they think that it will actually help them and their bodies:

  • Fight off infections.
  • Strengthen their immune systems.
  • Give them a range of other benefits.
Even though it's true that these are some of the possibilities of a detoxification diet and process, there is one element of the human body that these individuals are underestimating, and that is the organs of the human body themselves.

The Immune System

For starters, the body does have a series of natural line of defenses that are used in fighting off pathogens, foreign agents, and warding off diseases. This is called the immune system and it is strengthened by the other parts of the body when we are eating healthy foods, exercising properly, and doing all of the activities that we should be engaging in.

However, many advocates of the detoxification diet claim that our body's immune system will be strengthened even more. If this is so then these individuals should continue to explain how people are just as healthy without the detoxification diet.

On the other hand, one must consider the fact that the body does have a natural detoxification process in order to cleanse the body. Indeed, there are various recipes for detoxification liquids and juices, however, let's examine what the body does first.

The Colon and Kidneys

We have already reviewed what the immune system does, so let's look at the colon and kidneys next. The colon and kidneys are two very important organs in our body. The main purpose of these two organs is to excrete wastes from the body.

In fact, the kidney is so smart that it is able to filter out all of the good blood for the wastes that it intends to excrete when it's time for the body to get rid of them. In the same way, though, the colon is also very instrumental in helping carrying out the same processes throughout the body.


When one considers that the body has a natural detoxification process throughout its system then it is also important to consider why one would even want to engage in a detoxification diet.

For example, some parts of the detoxification diet include having an individual drink gallons upon gallons of water each day that they are undergoing the diet. This may be very useful for cleansing the inside of the body, but think about the dangers of also consuming too much water in one day.

The kidneys and other organs that are a part of the body's excretion systems are only able to work so hard and if they are overloaded then this certainly is not good for the body.

Healthy Living

One must consider complete health and wellness which includes all the positive affects of:
  • A healthy diet.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Relaxation and/or meditation.
  • Proper rest and recreation.
  • Fun and laughter.
There are many benefits to eating everything that the Food and Drug Administration says that is healthful to eat. However, the FDA also has not stated that a body detox process is good for the body, rather, they recommend getting the proper vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are needed each day.

Having Said All That - There is little advantage to eating all the right foods if you are unrested, stressed, always worried, over worked and sleep depraved. Burning the candle at both ends is a debt which must (and will) be repaid!

All in all, a detoxification process may be just the diet that some people may need to get themselves on the right track toward a healthier lifestyle, but it certainly is not the be-all-end-all in the health and wellness world.

One must also attempt to discover the causes which lead to the undesireable effects in the first place. One of the most simple ways to do this is by having regular quiet-times or meditations in order to bring to the surface what is really bothering us.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Parasites - The Guests Who Came to Dinner

The intestinal tract is like a luxury hotel for parasites, bacteria and fungus. It’s warm, it’s moist, and oxygen is limited due to all the waste matter that’s packed in there. The colon – one of the most important organs in the body – is a dumping ground for waste, the place where the body toxins and excess nutrients that could be harmful to the system. It’s also where your body absorbs the nutrients that it needs in order to function and survive – so the health of your colon is mighty important. Parasites in particular can be dangerous to the health of the colon, leeching nutrients from the body and emitting emit harmful toxins that can further weaken the colon’s integrity. This can lead to a number of problems, from the mildly annoying to the deadly, such as:

  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Bloating
  • Sugar cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Teeth grinding or TMJ
  • Diarrhea
  • Itching
  • Irritability
  • Malnutrition
  • Anemia
  • Immune deficiency

It’s estimated that over 90 percent of Americans contract a parasite of some kind at some point in their life. They enter our bodies from a variety of sources, including pets, food and unwashed hands. You can pick up parasites from contact with pets and other people, or just by walking barefoot. Children are easily infected by being less aware of hygiene and playing with dirt and other possible contaminated substances. But meat consumption is probably the biggest contributor to parasites flourishing in our bodies.

Eating meat can cause constipation, and constipation creates the perfect environment for parasites to thrive. These unwelcome guests multiply in the haustras, the pouches in the colon where debris is stored. At their least offensive, they cause intestinal gas – but if you experience any of the symptoms above, even something as seemingly minor as chronically itchy skin, you could very well be harboring parasites in your colon.

There are several families of parasites: Roundworms, Tapeworms, Flukes and Single Cell parasites. Each group has its own unique subset of parasites who do different things to your body. Let’s look at some of the more common intestinal parasite and what you can do to avoid them:

Giardia lamblia are protozoan parasites that infect humans via consumption of contaminated food and water. It’s commonly found in untreated water supplies, and is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in travelers, but people sometimes pick them up while swimming in ponds and lakes. Giardia is responsible for the condition known as giardiasis that causes diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, abdominal cramping, weight loss, greasy stools, and dehydration.

Toxoplasma gondii is another protozoan organism commonly found in the colon. Cats and kittens often carry it, and it can be transmitted to humans who handle of cats – especially their feces. You can also be infected with them by breathing in their eggs. Toxoplasma is responsible for the disease toxoplasmosis, which causes chills, fever, headaches and fatigue. If a pregnant woman contracts toxoplasmosis, it can lead to miscarriage, or birth defects such as blindness and mental retardation.
Roundworms are are the most common intestinal parasite in the world, affecting over one billion people. They’re also one of the largest parasites, and can grow to up to 30 inches in length. Humans can contract a roundworm infection by eating improperly cooked meat, or by handling dogs or cats infested with roundworms. Symptoms include loss of appetite, allergic reactions, coughing, abdominal pain, edema, sleep disorders, and weight loss.

Hookworms are able to penetrate the human skin, and often enter the body through the feet when people walk barefoot through contaminated areas. They can be all over the world, in warm, moist tropical areas, and can live in the intestines for up to fifteen years. A hookworm infection may cause symptoms such as itchy skin, blisters, nausea, dizziness, anorexia, and weight loss.

Trichinella parasites, caused by the consumption of raw or undercooked pork, can can mimic the symptoms of up to fifty different diseases. Possible symptoms of infection include muscle soreness, fever, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, edema of the lips and face, difficulty breathing, difficulty speaking, enlarged lymph glands, and extreme dehydration.
Tapeworms are the largest colon parasites that are known to infect humans. There are different types of tapeworms that infect different animals – there are beef tapeworms, pork tapeworms, fish tapeworms, and dog tapeworms. They can grow to several feet in length and live in the intestines for up to 25 years. Symptoms of a tapeworm infection are diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, and change of appetite.

Flukes, or Trematodas, are small flatworms that can penetrate the human skin when an individual is swimming or bathing in contaminated water. Flukes can travel throughout the body and settle in the liver, lungs or intestines. Symptoms of a fluke infection include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and swelling.

Good and Bad Food Combinations

A chart on Good and Bad Food Combinations:

This is a great Site that has good and bad food combinations. This is essential to know b/c we all need proper food digestion...I encourage you to print it out and put it in places where food is prepared and carry it with you.