“It is unthinkable that fish do not have pain receptors. They need them in order to survive...”
––Professor Frank Hird, Melbourne University
Fish suffer greatly when caught and killed for their flesh. Whether caught by hook or net, fish experience fear—as evidenced by increased heart and breathing rates—just as humans do.
IT’S CRUEL!!!!Fish, along with unintentional victims, including dolphins, birds, and turtles, are captured in huge trawlers’ nets, squeezed for hours along with any netted rocks and debris. Dragged from the ocean depths, fish undergo excruciating decompression, often the intense internal pressure ruptures their swimbladder, pops out their eyes, and pushes their stomach through their mouth. Then they’re tossed onboard where many slowly suffocate or are crushed to death. Factory-farmed fish are subjected to intensive crowding and unnatural conditions, which Others are still alive when their throats and bellies are cut open.spread infection and parasites. So fish farmers use antibiotics and hormones to make fish fatter faster.IT’S UNHEALTHY!!!According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 325,000 people get sick and some die every year in the U.S. from eating contaminated seafood.
-Thank You PETA Family!!!! (Jody Boyman)
I have actually done this cleanse and it has worked great for me. It was not as hard as I thought and the results were pretty good. I actually need to do another one...lol. But what I liked about the cleanse was I was not hungry, I had more energy, and the results are very fast if you are consistent. It's good for anyone who is looking to lose some weight really fast or who is really looking for a long term healthy way of living. When I go on the cleanse again I will have a post of my progress so everyone can see what I mean.Here is the actual Master Cleanse Guide with all the info you will need. Reading the book will give you the knowledge of what to expect, which days are worse and what detox symptoms are so that you will have an easy cleanse. But for you people out there who are not into all the reading here's the cleanse in a nutshell:2 tbsp lemon or lime juice (1/2 lemon)
1-2 tbsp of pure grade B maple syrup
1/10 tsp cayenne pepper (red) or to taste
8-10 oz of purified water (very warm to medium hot) Combine master cleanser ingredients and drink.You many double the Master Cleanser recipe and fill a large thermos bottle and drink all day long. Here is a Nice Master Cleanse Worksheet that will help you keep track of your progress.Hope you guys have fun and let me know how it went!